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Help Chinese students and young professionals thrive in the United States of America.

For College Students

For Middle/High School Students


Admissions Success Program relieved the stress Justin was facing during college application. He became more self-conscious and developed a clearer idea about his future.

                                         ——Ms. L., mother of Justin

Counselors and education advisors in Admissions Success Program gave a thorough plan, phased goals, and detailed standard for Kerstin’s graduate school application. They provide high quality service.

                                       ——Ms. S., mother of Kerstin


Weeductin seeks to prvide Chinese families with one-stop educational servic abroad, catering totheir increasing demnd for high quality education, to grasp the trends in overseas studies market, integrating the best educational resources across the globe, to develop business i educatioal industries abroad. As we follow closely teenagers' practicaldemands in admissios and career choices, we prpose three star products: Ad mission Success, GPA Booster and Unted Natio Intern Training. Our mission is to mae parenthood worry-free by helping Chinese students and young professionals thrivein the United States of America. To facilitate this mission, we cultivate th potential in every student to help them achieve academic excellenc an career success by providing a variety of programs. Our visin is to transform today's Chinese studns into confident, competitive and participating global citizens and leaders.

My Study Assistant saved my life when I didn't know how to write emails in English properly. I could have sounded so abrupt and impolite if it were not for her help!

               ——Jeremy L., a sophomore at Brandeis U.

I was overwhelmed by the sudden switch to online learning when the pandemic hit. Asynchronous lectures, synchronous discussion sessions, setting up exam environment at home, etc. Thanks to my Study Assistant, I managed to keep up with every task and never missed a deadline.

                     ——Anna P., a sophomore at Rutgers U.




Global Education Forum

Is the US still the TOP 1 among international students after the pandemic?

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